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Therapeutic Sex & Psychedelics for Men (And Other Sensual Individuals)

Psychedelic medicine is inherently sexual. That’s not to say all of it involves sex acts - in fact, it really often doesn’t, and sometimes shouldn’t for important ethical reasons. However, all psychedelic medicine gets you deeply in touch with your emotions and “All That Is”. This inherently involves sexuality as it is one of our innate human components that exists in the same realm as our emotions and creativity. Our creativity (whether or not we consider ourselves “a creative person”) is where we create our reality, which is often shaped by our emotional experience. It’s all the same. 

A little anecdote from my journey: My first ever deep dive ceremonial psychedelic experience was with mushrooms in a Shaman-led group setting. I dosed what I would consider a moderate dose (2.5 grams) which is a dose I’ve taken many times before and since. The set and setting combined with how ready I was to explore, sent me deeply into one of the most intense psychedelic experiences I have had to date. 

I became a wild animal, in a completely different realm and almost entirely unaware of my surroundings. I was flooded with the experience of everything - pain, pleasure, joy, sorrow, abundance, loss - all simultaneously. It was intensely vulnerable, powerful, and sexual. I was seeing incredible sacred geometry composed of a beautiful kaleidoscope of cocks and pussies and tits. I was spitting and growling and writhing around. When the shaman and his assistants would tend to me and guide me back into my dedicated physical space, I would reach to touch any flesh I could, even sticking his fingers in my mouth. He and his team handled me with expertise and grace, which may have been a tall order for most folks! Ha!

Needless to say, I learned to shed a lot of shame that day as we all came out of our respective journeys to face each other - in a room of about 17 people - myself with my clothes half torn off as if the full moon had passed and I’d reverted to my human form from actual sex werewolf. 

As a disclaimer: most people who I work with, and many people overall may not have quite such an intense experience.

The point is… I healed so much that night because my sexual center was fully unlocked. 

I see this happen in a variety of ways for all of the people I work with in the psychedelic space - whether they are using the medicine for a delicious enhancement to all of the sensations in a sexual experience, or they are diving deep into their psyche to uncover deeply vulnerable experiences while allowing their mind and body to react in the inherently sexual way it does without concerning themselves with judgment. We get to integrate all of these experiences and sensations as we should. 

Psychedelics in small to moderate doses can be a great enhancement to a sexual situation. They can help us slow down and be extremely present with sensations and emotions that come up in a sexual space. Sometimes, folks move through a journey laughing, giggling, and playfully engaging in sex as they normally would. Others may find themselves at a much slower and tender space, more safely able to identify any blockages or needs that come up during sex. Some folks find that even a small dose brings up a lot more than sexuality and instead need to be held and cuddled while talking or sitting in silence. 

In a larger ceremonial dose (often referred to as a heroic dose although it doesn’t need to be a massive quantity for a ceremony to be effective) things can go much deeper. I’ve had folks go deep inward and be completely still and silent. During these times I often use strategic touch, crystal placements, and reiki practices intuitively to help guide intense or painful moments. Many sessions include bodywork or massage to work with the emotional energy that manifests physically. Some folks cry or otherwise vocalize with groans and whimpers, while others are completely silent. Some need physical space and some need to be firmly held and squeeze my body like a giant stress ball. Most people I work with at some point benefit from coming back into their body with sexual contact and release. 

In any scenario, I find that fostering an environment of safe sexuality allows people to be truly vulnerable in a real way. Sexuality can also be an area where we create the strongest walls because of the potency of sexual shame. If one is in a space where this shame can be held without judgment and let go, the possibility for emotional and spiritual healing is abundant.

I find this to be particularly true for modern men. Men, especially those of more mature generations, aren’t readily given a ton of outlets to express themselves outside of sexuality and other physical actions. Most people who find me weren’t setting out to find a psychedelic guide. Many men who find me have, like many do, turned to sex workers to find a safe space to feel like themselves and let down their guards to fully enjoy life for a little while. When they begin to read about my offerings and experiences with psychedelics, I think that deeper intention becomes more apparent. There shines a little light on a deeper need to explore the human experience. Sexuality is a beautiful tool to illuminate that. 

This of course is true for all varieties of humans. However, it is my observation that women and genderqueer folks come to sex workers because they have done enough work to allow themselves to enjoy such a luxury. Men have more historically used sex workers as a basic means of self-care because there are fewer spaces they have been shown to do so!

Whatever the path or intention, it is important to know that it is natural and normal for your sexuality to be a motivating force in your healing. That is your humanness. My door is open to all those who walk the path of pleasure on the journey to self-acceptance.

It’s my delight to watch you grow. (Both figuratively and literally 😘)



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